Reluctant Hero From New Jersey

Table of Contents
Reluctant Hero From New Jersey
Michael Benfante, who grew up and still lives in New Jersey, worked on the 81st floor of the World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001.
How It Happened
He was on the 68th floor when he encountered a woman in a wheelchair who needed help in getting down the stairs. Benfante and a co-worker carried her down the remaining 68 floors.
Benfante became a national hero after he was caught by TV cameras after coming out of the building, which you can see in the video above.
Benfante has a new book out about his experiences before, during and after September 11, 2001.
A New Book
Benfante has a new book out about his experiences before, during and after September 11, 2001.
Benfante will sign copies of this book at Watchung Booksellers in Upper Montclair, New Jersey (one of my favorite indie booksellers) on Thursday, September 8, 2011, at 7 PM.
You can also read my review of Reluctant Hero: A 9/11 Survivor Speaks Out on my other blog: The Literary Lioness.
You may also read about Wonderful Memories Of New Jersey.
Thanks for visiting New Jersey Memories!

I was living in nyc when 9/11 happened and heroes like Michael Benfante should never be forgotten. Stopping by from SITS
New Jersey Memories
They should always be remembered.