The Hiram Blauvelt Art Museum | Oradell, New Jersey

Hiram Blauvelt Art Museum
Adjacent to the Atwood-Blauvelt Mansion is The Hiram Blauvelt Art Museum.
The Museum is located in the old carriage house.
It is a truly unique place devoted to wildlife art.
According to the museum website:
The Hiram Blauvelt Art Museum was established in 1957 by the Blauvelt-Demarest Foundation, a legacy of the late Hiram Blauvelt, philanthropist, conservationist and collector. Through the contribution of his private wildlife art and big game collections, he hoped to promote the cultural value of wildlife art and the need for conservation of its subjects and their habitats. During the early part of the 20th century, wildlife was believed to be abundant. Many dedicated conservationists, notable Theodore Roosevelt, gathered animals from their natural habitats for museums. The beauty of the animals could then be viewed by many. Like Roosevelt, Hiram Blauvelt realized the value of his collection and wanted to share it with the public. It was his interest and desire to share his far ranging adventures, his stories of explorations and his collection of these animals. Hiram hoped to educate the coming generations to the diversity and beauty of the wildlife kingdom. He especially wanted to enlighten the public to the challenges we face to preserve the marvels of wildlife and their natural environments.
To get an idea of the interiors of the museum, check out this great video!
Here is an example of a piece of art chosen for the museum in 2019.

There are some sculptures surrounding the front of the museum.

Further Reading
Please read more about the Atwood-Blauvelt Mansion in Can The Atwood-Blauvelt Mansion Be Saved? and Was The Atwood-Blauvelt Mansion Saved?
Please read about The Riker Hill Art Park | Livingston, New Jersey, which is located on a former Nike Missile Base.
Please check out my posts on The Montclair Art Museum sculptures and The American Labor Museum.
Also check out The Raptor Trust – Bird Rehabilitation and Education Center | Millington, New Jersey.
You may also read about Moving My Blog From Blogger To WordPress (And Changing The Permalink Structure!)
Thanks for visiting New Jersey Memories!

Patrick Weseman
Very nice. Would love to visit that museum. Very cool, thanks for sharing.
It is certainly different from other museums!
I love museums!
So do I!