I Have a Dream!

I Have A Dream!
Let’s all celebrate America’s birthday by watching Martin Luther King, Jr.’s magnificent speech, certainly one of the greatest speeches ever given by an American.
You can read about Martin Luther King’s Letter From A Birmingham Jail on my other blog!
Now if only Abe Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address was also available on YouTube . . .I cry every time I see this, because I am so moved.
You may also want to read about March For Our Lives in Morristown!
You may also want to read about The Grover Cleveland Birthplace in Caldwell.
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Elizabeth @ My Life, Such as it is...
visiting from SITS. That is truly one of the best speeches ever! Too bad we don't have a video clip of President Abraham Lincoln giving the Gettysburg Address. That is worth reading again this weekend as well.
New Jersey Memories
@Elizabeth — it's beautiful isn't it? I'm so touched with watching everyone walking together at the beginning, and then the speech . . . I get tears in my eyes every time.
It WAS a great speech!
New Jersey Memories
@jonstory — just fabulous!
Ms. Understood
That speech is so powerful. For the past two years, we took our clients on a Civil Rights tour to Atlanta (GA) (MLK, Jr's home town), Birmingham (AL), Selma(AL)and a few other stops. The whole idea of what people (even children) went through is amazing and saddening. Too bad this year it looks like budget cuts has cut out such an important trip.
New Jersey Memories
@Ms. Understood — that must have been fascinating to go to all those historic places that played such integral roles in the fight for civil rights.
Thank you for posting this! Wow, how far have we come in such a short time…think of all the possiblities still ahead.
Meeee to, every time I hear it. It's a wonderfully powerful speech! Happy 4th to you as well.
This is definitely one of the tings that make me proud to be an American! Thanks for posting this!
New Jersey Memories
@Eneida — what a beautiful thing to say! Thank you!
New Jersey Memories
@Sheila — powerful and moving. I love the part before the speech when everyone's walking together. And then the speech . . . electrifying!
New Jersey Memories
@Keyara — it makes me proud, too!