Wonderful Memories Of New Jersey

Wonderful New Jersey Memories
Did you grow up in New Jersey? Do you have fond memories of places that no longer exist?
I grew up in the 1970s in Morris County, New Jersey.
I practically grew up on Brookdale Soda.
I hardly knew that Coke and Pepsi even existed!
Farms still existed in East Hanover!
I remember my mother buying milk at Lone Pine Farms in their little shop. I don’t think I ever even went into the shop. I would go out to pet the horse.
We would also go to the Two Guys on Route 10 in East Hanover. Route 10 didn’t have 1 million stores as it does now.
I remember Two Guys, Capitol Lighting (which is still there), a miniature golf course, and a few other shops.
Two Guys Department Store
Two Guys was a classic department in New Jersey when I was a child. They had over 100 stores in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and several other states in the eastern part of the United States.
When I was very young, Two Guys still had a full-fledged grocery section, where my mother would shop.
However, I would run around my favorite part of the store — the toy section! (this was when mothers didn’t panic if they lost sight of their kids for a little while)
I would roam around the toy section, and of course being a devoted reader would always go to the paperback section, too.
I collected the little Peanuts paperbacks. I loved Charlie Brown and Snoopy!
When I got a little older, I would buy 45s in the record section and felt very old when I graduated to buy the whole album.
Everything was so inexpensive!
We bought our Christmas trees in the garden section in the back of the store every year. They had a beautiful trees for about $10!
Here is a radio commercial for Two Guys:
Here is a TV commercial:
The East Hanover Two Guys also had a tiny little section with a miniature bowling alley for kids!
I loved to play there, even though I wasn’t very good. The bowling balls were child-sized and easy to pick up and throw. There were also pinball machines.
I loved going to Two Guys for Christmas to pick out the Christmas tree!
They had a section in the back for garden supplies, and the trees would be there. My mother remembers the price as being very reasonable for a pretty nice tree.
Brookdale Soda
Also, outside the store was a liquor store (I can’t remember the name, or if it was part of Two Guys?), where my father would buy cases of Brookdale Soda.
We would always get a variety, and I loved the orange, the lemon-lime, and the half-and-half flavors!
I dream very vividly at night (I’m dreaming within seconds of falling asleep!) and sometimes I’ll wake up and think about the dream I just had.
I’ll feel that I’ve been to the place in my dreams before. Then I’ll realize that it is Two Guys that I was dreaming about.
2022 Updates:
Here is a wonderful video from one of my favorite YouTube channels, Recollection Road:
Further Reading
Please check out:
The Lost Businesses of New Jersey.
Please check out MY posts:
Reluctant Hero From New Jersey!
Whippany Railway Museum, Part 1 | Hanover Township, New Jersey
Whippany Railway Museum, Part 2 | Hanover Township, New Jersey
Abandoned Trains in New York State
Thanks for visiting New Jersey Memories!

Art of RetroCollage
My wife had lived in Bergen County for 30 years until I stole her away from NJ and married her 9 months ago! So now she is a New Yorker, but we still do enjoy exploring the Garden State.