• old television

    A Year Without Television

    No Television For A Year In 2008 I moved twice.  I went from a six-room apartment with my mother, to a 3-room apartment with my mother and boyfriend (a disaster!), and now a room with my boyfriend, Mark. That’s right. A room. Because we were trying to save money, we decided to go without cable television for awhile.  That is, he decided. I wasn’t happy about that at all.  Now, you must understand, I am NOT a television-obsessed person.  I watch no current sitcoms or dramas.  But I like to watch the 10:00 News, baseball games, Larry King, and my favorite, Home and Garden Network (HGTV). I love House Hunters!…

  • Dimes pennies dollars

    2 Dimes?

      Sister, Can You Spare 2 Dimes? In addition to my health troubles (see my previous post), I recently received my employee review. I received an excellent review and my manager informed me that I received a raise. Twenty cents an hour.  That’s right — two dimes extra an hour. It’s hard to know whether to laugh or cry, it’s so insulting. So when the taxes are taken out . . . Meanwhile, rumors are that the CEO of my company has a personal make-up artist on call that the company pays for, in addition to his multi-million dollar salary, stock options, etc. My manager told me to be happy,…

  • Waiting for healthcare

    The Waiting Game

       The Waiting Game I Am Waiting For The Results Of My Medical Tests If you read my post of May 11th, you’ll know that I have been suffering a lot of pain lately.  I have had to take some time off from my job because I simply could not function. I am going to take every medical test I can to find the causes. So far I have been to an internist, podiatrist, and even a psychiatrist.  I went to the internist who examined me and then sent me to a lab to get blood tests and some disgusting other tests.  I also went to the podiatrist for continuing…

  • Two Guys Department Store

    Wonderful Memories Of New Jersey

    Wonderful New Jersey Memories Did you grow up in New Jersey? Do you have fond memories of places that no longer exist?  I grew up in the 1970s in Morris County, New Jersey. I practically grew up on Brookdale Soda.  I hardly knew that Coke and Pepsi even existed!  Farms still existed in East Hanover!  I remember my mother buying milk at Lone Pine Farms in their little shop. I don’t think I ever even went into the shop. I would go out to pet the horse. We would also go to the Two Guys on Route 10 in East Hanover. Route 10 didn’t have 1 million stores as it…

  • Welcome Please Come In sign

    Welcome To New Jersey Memories!

      Welcome To New Jersey Memories! I’m so excited to start this blog.  Today is 09/09/09 and I figured that it was a good day to start.  I hope to share with you my happiness in residing in the great state of New Jersey!  It is a beautiful state with many interesting places to see and things to do.  There is much beyond the New Jersey Turnpike (which I rarely travel on) and the struggling cities.  There is a reason why it is called the Garden State – the state has many beautiful rural areas.  Anyway, in future posts, I hope to show you why New Jersey is such a…

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