Police Chase Was Wild!
Police Chase!
On Friday afternoon Mark and I were driving in Bloomfield, New Jersey when all of a sudden several police cars came tearing along the road, lights flashing, sirens blaring.
In this area you see at least two police cars just for a traffic violation, but when there is more than that something big is up.
We pulled over to the side to let them pass when even more police cars came roaring up the road.
We were nearing the Bloomfield Green when we saw several more police cars screaming their way to Broad Street.
There must have been at least eight, and probably many more.
We were startled to see one police car had crashed through some bushes and landed on a tiny median. The door to the car was wide open as if someone had run out of it in a great hurry.
“Look at that,” Mark cried. “Is he hurt?”
“I don’t think so. Anyway, the door to the car’s open and I don’t think that anyone’s inside. Besides the police are all over the place.”
I noticed a policeman to the right of me was talking to a woman pushing a baby stroller. He was writing down everything she said.
We wanted to see more but it was difficult. The area was crawling with police. Crowds had gathered on all sides.
“Traffic is blocked on that side. We’ll have to get out of here,” said Mark as he took a turn away from the action.
I kept craning my neck to see if I could see anything else.
“It’ll be on Baristanet, that’s for sure,” I said confidently.
Baristanet is a website pertaining to all things in “Baristaville” (Bloomfield, Montclair, etc).
Sure enough, after checking with Baristanet later that night, I found out that the Wachovia Bank had been robbed.
You can also read about Bloomfield’s most famous landmark in Holsten’s Brookdale Confectionary.
Thanks for visiting New Jersey Memories!

Oh yikes!! I hope he doesn't find his way down to South Jersey. LOL I hope they find him PERIOD!
Kitty Deschanel
Oh my goodness! Actually, this kinda reminds me of the book I'm reading…damn, what is it called?? A Confederacy of Dunces, I think.
Greetings from Lamb! Thank you for stopping by to show me some bloggy love. It was quite a shock to wake up and discover that I’d been featured on SITS, especially with my face covered in sticky cinnamon! Now I have lots of fun new blogs to explore. If you do try out my face mask, be sure to take a photo and email it to me. I’ll feature you in a post with a link to your blog 🙂
LambAround’s latest post: My Awkward Family Photo
Oh I used to see ton of Police cars patroling in Florham Park when I used to live in NJ. Acutally, there are ton of cops in NJ for writing just tikcets. One night I was kind of lost, and I think the officer knew I was in trouble because I made a sudden left turn after the red light. He pulled me over if I was okay, and he showed me the way back home. So, not every officer is jerk – I kind of miss being in NJ…
I'm glad you guys are okay!
New Jersey Memories
@Tree – I still haven't heard of them catching anybody.
New Jersey Memories
@LambAround — I have that book around here somewhere . . . I know I do.
Actually, I love the picture of your with the mask and the dog!
New Jersey Memories
@Maki — I lived in Florham Park as a kid! A nice town. I don't remember a lot of police cars. It was so quiet at night that they turned some of the traffic lights to "blinking" at night.
Wow! That's a little scary! Let's hope he's a "friendly" bank robber. LOL
Whoa! Kinda crazy when you see stuff like this happening in font of you. Like you are in wonder and think, "this isn't just on TV"…but glad you were safe and that you got some good ol' Jersey action!
New Jersey Memories
@Tree — I sure hope that they find him!
New Jersey Memories
@~*~Eneida~*~ — "good ol' Jersey action!" LOL! Yes, real life can sometimes beat TV!