New York Television Celebrates New York and New Jersey During the 1970s and 1980s

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New York Television Celebrates New York and New Jersey
New York in the 1970s was a tough place.
New York City was teetering towards default, crime was rampant, and times were dark.
New York City was in serious trouble, and the federal government, reeling from Watergate, refused to help:
The New York Daily News printed one of the most infamous newspaper headlines ever written about the President of the United States:
As Rare Historical Photos writes:
In the 1970s, New York City was a broken, ungovernable metropolis barreling into anarchy. New Yorkers remember this decade as the bleakest, most crime-ridden, and most uncertain time the city has ever faced. It was a time of economic, criminal, and cultural shifts occurring at once that changed the city’s prospects.
In 1974, in the wake of Watergate and the troubled financial issues in New York, CBS News produced a show called “NEW YORK, NEW YORK… In Praise of New York City.”
I Love New York
1977 was a particularly difficult year for New York City, but it was eventually a real turning point.
There was a major blackout in New York City, and some used this as an excuse to loot and riot.
True, the New York Yankees won the World Series, but the fans tore up the field afterward. Still, it was a turning point. Something really positive had happened.
Despite its problems, New York City was still a dynamic and vital city:
In 1977 an advertising campaign by Wells, Rich, and Greene was immediately successful and is one of the most iconic advertising campaigns of all time – and still topical today.
It encouraged people to visit New York (city and state) because of Broadway, the magnificent parks and wilderness areas, and many famous landmarks.
This is one of the original commercials, featuring Broadway shows, which cannot be embedded:
It was wildly successful and spurred a flurry of more commercials. Here is one from 1978:
The slogan “I Love New York” became the official slogan of New York. It is still in use today, particularly after the horrific September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
New York Local Television
In the 1970s we still had LOCAL TELEVISION, not just the local news. New York television was simply great!
The local media decided that enough was enough. There were still GREAT things about New York that needed emphasizing.
WCBS-TV New York
Here is WCBS-TV New York (Channel 2) celebrating New York in a great compilation video:
And here they are with several short spots celebrating New York AND New Jersey!
These Videos Bring Back So Many Memories
I have intensely nostalgic feelings watching these videos! I remember them so well!
The WCBS videos played constantly on Channel 2, especially late at night.
I was so young, both of my parents were still alive, and watching television was so much fun!
Now, I’m not so young, my parents are both long gone, and I rarely watch television.
I am glad to find these treasures on YouTube, especially since most people did not have VCRs yet (there were only Betamaxes), and so much of it was never recorded.
I REALLY miss local New York television, which just doesn’t exist much anymore, except for the local news.
Further Reading
Check out my other posts!
Late Night Local TV And Fabulous Saturday Night Discomania in the 1970s | Television
Branch Brook Park and the Beautiful Cherry Blossoms 2024 | Newark and Belleville, New Jersey
The Sopranos’ Opening Credits and Super Bowl Commercial 2022 | Television, Music
Holsten’s Ice Cream Parlor (famous from The Sopranos) | Bloomfield, New Jersey
Bendix Diner | Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey
Positively New Jersey! | Television
Morley Safer and Modern Art | Television
It’s Not Nice to Fool Mother Nature! | Television
You Deserve A Break Today Commercial | Television
Late Night Local TV and Saturday Night Discomania | Television
Great Adventure Theme Park and Rolling Thunder | Jackson Township, New Jersey
and check out some of my favorite New York and New Jersey blogs!
Vanishing New York (this one’s not been updated since 2022, but it’s great)
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